76 research outputs found

    Com millorar la motivació de l'alumnat des de la perspectiva del professorat?

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2018/2019Aquest treball versa sobre un problema que està ben present a les nostres aules. Es tracta de la motivació, i de com afecta a l’alumnat dels últims anys de Primària que deixa enrere la infantesa per entrar en un període ple de pors, incerteses, dubtes… com és la preadolescència. Aquesta etapa afecta de manera significativa al seu procés d’aprenentatge mitjançant la motivació. Aleshores sorgeix la pregunta que vertebra aquest treball: què pot fer el docent per a encarar aquesta problemàtica? I a partir d’ací es plantegen els objectius que persegueix aquest treball. Front a aquesta pregunta s’inicia un procés d’investigació basat en els estudis del professor Doménech-Betoret i el seu Model de Qualitat de Situació Educativa (MOCSE), en què s’analitza com en funció dels recolzaments i barreres que tinga el docent a l’hora d’afrontar les problemàtiques de la seua aula, es crearan unes expectatives d’èxit o de fracàs, que repercutiran en la seva acció docent final. Per tant es va procedir a passar un qüestionari a 21 docents d’escoles públiques de la Comunitat Valenciana per a que respongueren preguntes sobre la motivació. Una vegada recollits tots els qüestionaris, es va fer una matriu de dades i es van codificar per a poder analitzar els resultats posteriorment mitjançant el programa estadístic IBM Statistics. Més tard es van analitzar les dades que tenien que veure amb els objectius inicials i es va procedir a analitzar els resultats i treure conclusions significatives. A partir d’aquest anàlisi de resultats, s’han pogut plantejar possibles solucions a les problemàtiques trobades, i les implicacions educatives per part dels docents de cara a millorar la motivació dels seus alumnes ara estan molt més clarificades. En conclusió, es pot afirmar que, a partir d’aquest treball, s’ha indagat sobre una problemàtica, s’ha recollit informació dels professionals sobre aquesta, s’han analitzat els factors que afecten a aquest problema, i s’ha traçat un full de ruta per tal de solucionar aquesta situació.This paper deals with a problem that is well present in our classrooms. It is about motivation, and how it affects the students of the last years of Primary school that leaves childhood to enter a period full of fears, uncertainties, doubts ... how is pre-adolescence. This stage significantly affects the learning process through motivation. Then the question arises that surrounds this work: what can the teacher do to address this problem? And from here the objectives pursued by this work are raised. Facing this question, a research process based on the studies of Professor Doménech-Betoret and its Model of Educational Situation Quality (MOCSE) is initiated, in which it is analyzed as a function of the supports and barriers that the teacher has when confronting the problems of their classroom, expectations of success or failure will be created, which will have an impact on their final teaching activity. So a questionnaire was sent to 21 teachers of public schools in the Valencian Community to answer questions about motivation. Once all the questionnaires were collected, a data matrix was made and coded to be able to analyze the results later through the statistical program IBM Statistics. Later, the data that had to do with the initial objectives was analyzed and the results were analyzed and significant conclusions were made. Based on this analysis of results, possible solutions to the problems encountered have been raised, and the educational implications of teachers in order to improve the motivation of their students are now much more clarified. In conclusion, one can say that, based on this work, a question has been asked about a problem, information about the professionals has been collected about it, the factors that affect this problem have been analyzed, and it has been drawn up A roadmap to solve this situation

    The effectiveness of graphic representation techniques used by industrial designers for the conceptual presentation of new products

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    [EN] Graphic techniques are very important means for designers. They can improve the conceptual presentation of new products before a client or a company, stimulating the communication of their potential, defending their benefits and making clear their commercial viability. To choose the most suitable graphic languages is essential so that the client can understand the proposal, allowing this way to establish a dialogue with the designer itself in order to improve the solution. Today the multiplication of graphic media has made it possible for the designers to have a wide range of ways to conduct and present their ideas, but it may happen that the graphic techniques chosen may not always be the most appropriate. This work aims to demonstrate the importance of graphic expression used as a tool for presenting ideas about new products, and evaluate the effectiveness of several graphic techniques in improving the client's understanding of the product, taking into account the conceptual clarity, the representation of the mode of use, the relationship with the user and the contextualization of the product in its habitat or use environment.Felip Miralles, F. (2017). The effectiveness of graphic representation techniques used by industrial designers for the conceptual presentation of new products. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 4(2):97-113. doi:10.4995/muse.2017.7686SWORD9711342Bishop, I., & Lange, E. (2005). Presentation Style and Technology. En I. Bishop & E. Lange (Eds.), Visualization in landscape and enviromental planning: technology and applications (pp. 68-77). New York: Taylor&Francis.Brath, R., Peters, M., & Senior, R. (s. f.). Visualization for Communication: The Importance of Aesthetic Sizzle. Ninth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’05). doi:10.1109/iv.2005.145Crilly, N., Blackwell, A. F., & Clarkson, P. J. (2006). Graphic elicitation: using research diagrams as interview stimuli. Qualitative Research, 6(3), 341-366. doi:10.1177/1468794106065007Chulvi, V., Mulet, E., Felip, F., & García-García, C. (2016). The effect of information and communication technologies on creativity in collaborative design. Research in Engineering Design, 28(1), 7-23. doi:10.1007/s00163-016-0227-2García-García, C., Chulvi, V., Galán Serrano, J., Felip, F., Royo González, M. (2015) The use of social networks for invigorate the communication during the conceptual design phase in virtual projects. In Proceedings of 19th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering, Granada, Spain (pp. 277-290). AEIPROGarcía-García, C., Chulvi, V., Mulet Escrig, E., Felip, F. (2016) Comparative study of digital sketching tools for conceptual design of new products. In Proceedings of 20th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering, Cartagena, Spain (pp. 1028-1040). AEIPRO. http://www.aeipro.com/files/congresos/2016cartagena/03030.4603.pdfGonzález Alastrué, J. A., & Jover, L. (2004). Los gráficos en la comunicación y el razonamiento científicos: ¿instrumento u ornamento? Medicina Clínica, 122(Supl.1), 3-10. doi:10.1157/13057541Herbert, D. M. (1988). Study Drawings in Architectural Design: Their Properties as a Graphic Medium. Journal of Architectural Education, 41(2), 26-38. doi:10.1080/10464883.1988.1075847

    Sketching as a communication tool and a vehicle for exploring new ideas in Higher Education of industrial design. Implementation and analysis of new methodologies

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    [EN] Freehand drawing is a basic tool to explore shapes and visualize ideas during the first phase of projective process in industrial design. Sketches, expressive and quickly executed, allow designers to highlight the most interesting aspects of the product to be designed and help to define its shape and general features. Due to the immediacy that characterizes the manual drafting industrial designers in training learn to become able to translate any ideas graphically and thus able to communicate with other designers, initiating a dialogue on the product to be designed. In the Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering at the Jaume I University of Castellón (Spain), the subject 'Artistic Expression II' maintains and strengthens the knowledge gained in other subjects about the different graphic techniques, making drawing a means of expression for represent, synthesize and define the shape of objects. However, it has been found that the subject procedures were not adequate to achieve the learning results proposed, so it was necessary to apply a new approach. This paper describes the implementation of a new methodological strategy on this subject, adapting it to the European Higher Education Area, with the aim that students in Industrial Design acquire the four core competences of this matter. We describe the activities designed to achieve each of the competences and the implemented methodology for each of these activities. Finally, the results are analyzed and the overall positive impact of the measures taken is discussed.The methodologies conducted in this subject are part of the educational improvement project with reference 3049/15, which has received funding from the Educational Support Unit (U.S.E.) of the Jaume I University, through the annual program 'Aids for educational innovation projects at the Jaume I University in the 2015/16 course'.Navarro, JL.; Felip Miralles, F. (2017). Sketching as a communication tool and a vehicle for exploring new ideas in Higher Education of industrial design. Implementation and analysis of new methodologies. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 4(2):26-46. doi:10.4995/muse.2017.6349SWORD264642Carnevale, V. (2015). «To Design» or «To Draw»: Two Different Verbs, Two Different Abilities, One Result. The International Journal of Designed Objects, 8(1), 17-25. doi:10.18848/2325-1379/cgp/v08i01/38695Dong, H., Cifter, A. S., & Fan, Z. (2013). Methods for Improving Undergraduate Students’ Sketching Skills. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 41(4), 329-336. doi:10.7227/ijmee.41.4.7Herbert, D. M. (1988). Study Drawings in Architectural Design: Their Properties as a Graphic Medium. Journal of Architectural Education, 41(2), 26-38. doi:10.1080/10464883.1988.10758473Laseau, P. (2001). Graphic Thinking for Architects and Designers. New York: John Wiley & Sons.Travis, S. (2014). Sketching as a Tool for Seeing: A Method for Teaching Drawing to Architecture and Interior Design Students. The International Journal of Design Education, 7(3), 63-74. doi:10.18848/2325-128x/cgp/v07i03/3845

    Interactive architectures. Emerging visual practices in the interface city

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    [EN] We are living the transition from a static to a dynamic architecture driven by the integration of new technologies into the urban environment. In this scenario, citizens abandon their passive roles in order to consolidate their position as active agents of this change by proposing new ways to relate with the city A conceptual analysis of recent interactive urban installations confirmed two facts: firstly, the consolidation of a trend towards the creative use of light as a source of new visual languages to encourage dialogue between citizens and the urban environment; secondly, the provision of public spaces with technological resources to be practiced via interactivity encourages participation, and strengthens the link between citizens and their city, both of which are positive for urban development.[ES] Vivimos la transición de una arquitectura estática a una dinámica propiciada por la integración de las nuevas tecnologías en el entorno urbano. En este escenario los ciudadanos abandonan su rol pasivo para afianzarse como agentes activos de este cambio, proponiendo nuevos modos de relación con la ciudad. A través del análisis conceptual de recientes instalaciones urbanas interactivas es posible constatar dos hechos: por un lado, la consolidación de una tendencia hacia el uso creativo de la luz como germen de nuevos lenguajes visuales para promover el diálogo entre el ciudadano y el entorno urbano; y por otro, que dotar de recursos tecnológicos a espacios públicos con el fin de ser practicados desde la interactividad fomenta la participación y fortalece el vínculo del ciudadano con su ciudad, siendo positivo para el desarrollo urbano.El presente trabajo pertenece al proyecto de investigación ‘Arte y diseño en la nueva sociedad digital’, con código P1-1B2015-30 y financiado por la Universitat Jaume IFelip Miralles, F. (2019). Arquitecturas interactivas. Prácticas visuales emergentes en la ciudad interfaz. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 24(36):222-231. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2019.12087SWORD222231243

    La Metáfora Interactiva. Arquitectura funcional y cognitiva del interface

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    La presente investigación se enmarca en un momento en el que el surgimiento de nuevos formatos en Tecnologías de la Comunicación define un escenario inédito en las prácticas sociales, culturales y artísticas. El acceso y gestión de la información quedan hoy definidos por una marcada interconexión, posibilitadora de un flujo dinámico de datos omnidireccional que contribuye a la gestación de una arquitectura social y cultural con trazas de globalidad. El interface electrónico, cuyas bases formales y funcionales quedan establecidas desde la labor interdisciplinar de informáticos, artistas y diseñadores, queda definido como un lenguaje en tanto que establece un diálogo entre el usuario y la máquina, haciendo uso de los recursos que le son propios con el fin de garantizar una eficacia comunicativa, y quedando condicionado desde su práctica individual y social por cambios diacrónicos de operatividad. Desde la colonización de las esferas actuales de la comunicación por parte de la imagen, y la estrecha vinculación de ésta con el lenguaje, es posible establecer un campo de estudio de naturaleza visual dentro del interface electrónico, donde la metáfora gráfica juega un papel esencial como vehículo en la asociación de ideas y directamente implicada en la optimización de las posibilidades de estos interfaces. El propósito de la investigación es establecer un marco desde el que estudiar la viabilidad de la hipótesis inicial, que defiende el uso de la metáfora aplicada al interface electrónico como vehículo necesario para el establecimiento de unos flujos cognitivos más eficaces que revierten en una mejor comprensión de la funcionalidad interactiva practicada en el sistema y posibilitan un diálogo más dinámico con la información. A tal fin se ha estructurado el trabajo en dos partes relacionadas: La primera parte establece un marco eminentemente teórico desde el que se aborda la revisión de los conceptos de lenguaje, imagen e icono, desde los cuales estudiamos la arquitectFelip Miralles, F. (2008). La Metáfora Interactiva. Arquitectura funcional y cognitiva del interface [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/2183Palanci

    Immersive experiences during the conceptual phase of the architectural project: virtual reality as a tool for user participation in the co-creation process

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    La elevada competencia del mercado actual dificulta la contratación de proyectos singulares de viviendas unifamiliares. Por ello, resulta necesario agudizar el ingenio para ofrecer al cliente una visión diferencial respecto a las propuestas de otros competidores. En este contexto, se propone incorporar al propio usuario en el proceso proyectual durante la fase de desarrollo conceptual de la propuesta constructiva, utilizando la Realidad Virtual (RV). Sumergir al usuario en una experiencia sensorial inmersiva le permitiría vivir su propio espacio habitable antes de ser construido, permitiendo a diseñadores y arquitectos centrar la atención en el estudio personaliza-do de la iluminación natural y el diseño de los paramentos que actuaran como nexo entre el espacio interior y exterior de la vivienda. Esta forma de abordar el proyecto puede suponer una ventaja competitiva que contribuiría al posicionamiento del estudio arquitectónico como referente del mercado. Este trabajo analiza diferentes sistemas RV actuales que podrían ser adaptados durante el proceso de trabajo, y discute la ventaja que supone para los estudios de arquitectura esta metodología del proyecto frente a otras más convencionales.The high competitiveness of the current market makes it difficult to contract unique projects for single-family homes. Therefore, it is necessary to sharpen inventiveness in order to offer the customer a different vision compared to the proposals of other competitors. In this context, we propose to incorporate the user in the design process during the conceptual development stage of the construction proposal, using Virtual Reality (VR). Introducing the user to an immersive sensory experience would allow him/her to live his/her own living space before being built, al-lowing designers and architects to focus attention on the personalized study of natural lighting and the design of the walls that act as a connection between the interior and exterior space of the home. This way of approaching the project can provide a competitive advantage that would contribute to the positioning of the architectural studio as a referent in the market. This paper analyses different cur-rent VR systems that could be adapted during the work process, and discusses the advantage that this project methodology has for architectural studios compared to other more conventional ones.Universitat Jaume I P1·1B2015-30Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-75866-C3-1-

    Class imbalance impact on the prediction of complications during home hospitalization: a comparative study.

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    © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksHome hospitalization (HH) is presented as a healthcare alternative capable of providing high standards of care when patients no longer need hospital facilities. Although HH seems to lower healthcare costs by shortening hospital stays and improving patient's quality of life, the lack of continuous observation at home may lead to complications in some patients. Since blood tests have been proven to provide relevant prognosis information in many diseases, this paper analyzes the impact of different sampling methods on the prediction of HH outcomes. After a first exploratory analysis, some variables extracted from routine blood tests performed at the moment of HH admission, such as hemoglobin, lymphocytes or creatinine, were found to unmask statistically significant differences between patients undergoing successful and unsucessful HH stays. Then, predictive models were built with these data, in order to identify unsuccessful cases eventually needing hospital facilities. However, since these hospital admissions during HH programs are rare, their identification through conventional machine-learning approaches is challenging. Thus, several sampling strategies designed to face class imbalance were herein overviewed and compared. Among the analyzed approaches, over-sampling strategies, such as ROSE (Random Over-Sampling Examples) and conventional random over-sampling, showed the best performances. Nevertheless, further improvements should be proposed in the future so as to better identify those patients not benefiting from HHPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft


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    [EN] This paper presents a synoptic study on the use of some graphic technologies such as VR Virtual Reality, AR Augmented Reality and VE Virtual Environment that can be used to increase the appreciation and full experience of heritage sites as resources for accessibility. This analysis familiarises us with these technologies and their suitability for each heritage asset in relation to users with disabilities. Their use on heritage sites seeks to bring these places to people in a new way, changing their role from a passive to a fully active one.[ES] Este artículo presenta un estudio del uso de algunas tecnologías gráficas aplicadas a la realidad virtual como son la Realidad Aumentada y los entornos de Realidad Inmersiva que pueden ser utilizados como recursos de accesibilidad para mejorar la apreciación y la experiencia de enclaves del patrimonio histórico. Este análisis permite conocersituar estas tecnologías y su idoneidad en cada lugar y con relación a los usuarios con determinadas discapacidades. Su empleo en determinados contextos del patrimonio ofrece un nuevo modo de aproximación a los mismos de modo autónomo y participativo.Puyuelo Cazorla, M.; Val Fiel, M.; Merino Sanjuán, L.; Felip Miralles, F. (2011). REPRESENTACIONES VIRTUALES Y OTROS RECURSOS TÉCNICOS EN LA ACCESIBILIDAD AL PATRIMONIO CULTURAL. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 16(17):164-173. doi:10.4995/ega.2011.919SWORD164173161

    Involving older people in the design of an innovative technological system promoting active aging: the Saapho project

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    Active Ageing refers to the optimization process in health, social engagement, and security opportunities as people age. The demand to introduce technology to improve older people’s quality of life is progressively increasing. The objective of the SAAPHO project is to support Active Aging by assisting older people to participate in society, preserving their independence and dignity through the application of innovative Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)-based solutions. SAAPHO creates a usable system that covers health, safety and social needs of end-users taking into account their preferences in the design of the system behaviour and architecture. Questionnaires and focus groups were run during the product design early stages to guarantee this. After completing the first year prototype, controlled sessions using the SAAPHO platform were performed with older people to study its usability. This article presents the general results of older people’s participation in the design of SAAPHO system after completing the first year prototype.Peer Reviewe

    Towards Argumentation-based Recommendations for Personalised Patient Empowerment

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    Patient empowerment is a key issue in healthcare. Approaches to increase patient empowerment encompass patient self-management programs. In this paper we present ArgoRec, a recommender system that exploits argumentation for leveraging explanatory power and natural language interactions so as to improve patients' user experience and quality of recommendations. ArgoRec is part of a great effort concerned with supporting complex chronic patients in, for instance, their daily life activities after hospitalisation, pursued within the CONNECARE project by following a co-design approach to define a comprehensive Self-Management System
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